It’s pretty fair to say that Newark is changing.  No, really changing.  And it’s not just the new Chipotle or the Panasonic HQ.  The list of visible changes is getting longer every day.  And there is a list of not-so-visible changes that are happening as well.  This, in my opinion is so very important, because the world over needs to accept the fact that Newark is not what it always was.  And that acceptance should start from within.  Newark needs to accept this notion of change, and ideally it should accept it first.

Gone are the days of rampant car theft and carjackings.  Once given the nickname “Brick City”, Newark has since seen many of the housing projects torn down, and usually redeveloped into new, beautiful housing.

And yes, dammit.  There is a Chipotle!


Here at The Newark Times, we’ve started an Instagram photo series called “Newark Street Style” where we capture people in the street whose sense of fashion and style do not represent what some with an outdated image of the city might think they’d see walking these streets.  Check out the pictures by searching the hashtag #NewarkStreetStyle, and follow us at @thenewarktimes on Instagram to keep up with more of Newark’s finest (citizens).

