Aerofarms announced earlier this week that they would be opening a roadside farmstand to give the local community a chance to try their locally grown leafy greens. Selling at the astoundingly low price of $6/lb., customers are encouraged to stop by and continue to get fresh greens even while local farmers markets and CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) programs have ended for the winter.

“We have been getting great feedback on the quality of our product and we are now in the process of selling. We are very keen to be part of the Newark community and we are kicking off a few things,” said Aerofarms Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Marc Oshima.
Holiday Farm Stand
…outside the indoor farm at 400 Ferry Street will run Wednesday to Friday this week and next Monday to Wednesday from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm.
Newark Restaurant Chef Open House/Farm Tour
…of their 400 Ferry Street indoor farm facility this Friday, December 18, from 3:00 pm to 5:00pm. In order to attend, restaurants/chefs are just asked to RSVP to
Corporate CSA
…for any corporation with minimum participation of 20 participants – Aerofarms can develop a custom CSA program that would be delivered right to the office that the company would manage. Companies interested in participating can contact for more information.