Many Newark residents are just today emerging from their homes, commuting to school, work, or otherwise.  And while main roads might have be cleared, many Newarkers are disgruntled to find out that their streets have yet to be touched by snow plows. Mayor Baraka held a press conference yesterday morning that shed light on the City’s struggles to reach everyone as quickly as they would have liked, in a number of cases due to residents not adhering to the travel ban issued, thus compounding the problems for emergency service workers.  

Another press conference is scheduled for today at 12:30pm where Mayor Baraka and Director of Public Safety Anthony Ambrose will give a Snow emergency operations update.

Is your street still yet to be plowed?  We want to see the unplowed streets you are seeing in your neighborhood. Tweet your photo @the_newarktimes with the hashtag #plowmystreet, or tag us on Instagram @thenewarktimes. Include the name of the street where you’re located. Photos of poorly plowed streets you post will be added to the photo slideshow below.