The facts are stark. Currently, New Jersey is ranked among the worst in the nation for maternal mortality (47th out of 50 states) and has one of the widest racial disparities for both maternal and infant mortality, according to the Nurture NJ Maternal and Infant Health Strategic Plan.

In 2020, Horizon partnered with the State of New Jersey to match at-risk expectant mothers with Medicaid coverage with birthing doulas. Now, Horizon is expanding these benefits starting on January 1, 2023 to include members who purchase an individual or family plan directly from Horizon or through GetCoveredNJ. By offering these services more broadly, Horizon hopes to expand on the progress already made in the fight for equitable maternal health.

A birthing doula is a hands-on coach and advocate for an expectant mother, from early pregnancy to post-delivery. For decades, many expectant mothers have sought out these trained professionals for the continuous physical, emotional, and informational support they provide.

According to the National Partnership for Women and Families, mothers who receive continuous support are:

  • More likely to have a shorter labor, and an easier birth for mom and baby alike
  • Less likely to give birth by caesarian section (which can increase complications and infection).
  • Less likely to have a preterm birth or deliver a low-birthweight baby
  • More likely to breastfeed

Birthing doulas are more like coaches, supporting moms and babies as they go from their first doctor’s visits through labor and delivery.

Although birthing doulas were not typically covered by most insurance, many expectant moms still seek them out. While they don’t perform medical procedures or give medical advice, birthing doulas are trained in providing evidence-based education and practical assistance with the ins and outs of pregnancy, often supporting the rest of the care team every step of the way.