Since its beginning in 2001, the Newark Arts Council’s ArtStart program is designed to act as a catalyst for cultural activity that is either not available, sporadic, or available only in limited supply within the local arts community. A selection committee representing a broad spectrum of the community considers all proposals.
Applications are currently being accepted and the deadline for submissions is March 22, 2019.

The purpose of the ArtStart Grants Program is to nurture arts and cultural activities throughout the city, especially those activities that involve young people and take place in our neighborhoods. Since its inception, the Newark Arts Council has made over 200 grant awards through the ArtStart Grant Program ranging from $500 – $3,000 and totaling over $500,000!
The projects stimulate arts and cultural activity in the city’s neighborhoods, local schools, and provide direct funding to individual artists. These innovative programs take the arts into locations that are often overlooked by traditional programs.
Previous winners of the ArtStart grant include Newark Print Shop, Project For Empty Spaces, the late, great Jerry Gant, and Newark Mommies.