Picture the scene:

It’s 2014…

You live/work in the 3rd oldest city in the country…

The population is somewhere around 280,000 and growing…

Big businesses and small businesses are coming into the city (we’re talkin’ everything from St. James & Co to Center Stage Cuts to Sonic to GAP to Chipotle to Panasonic to Whole Foods).

The latest reports show a consistent decrease in crime throughout the city.

And there is no media outlet that is determined to scream these boasts to the rafters!  Don’t get me wrong – there are some wonderful entities out there that speak positively about this city.  But we’re not here to speak.  The Newark Times is here to scream!  We’re here to shout loudly and proudly!

This was the scenario that we saw when we decided to launch The Newark Times.  Yes, we know, there is a stigma about Newark that is consistently perpetuated by the Star-Ledger and fed into by people who work in the city but are only marginally occupy the city (thank their lucky stars for the Gateway).

But Newark is simply not what it was.  It is changing…rapidly.  This isn’t the city of New Jersey Drive.  It isn’t simply the aftermath of the ’67 rebellion.  On top of that, did I mention that it’s the third oldest city in the country??  Newark’s history runs deep.  We’re talkin’ pre-Civil War deep.  We’re talkin’ Underground Railroad deep.  This is a city of greatness.  This is the city that birthed everything from Paul Simon to patent leather; Whitney Houston to the invention of email.

If images like these never come to mind when you think Newark, maybe you need to re-think Newark.

The Newark Times is dedicated to sharing the perspectives and narratives of Newark’s history, emergence, challenges, and triumphs with dignity, honesty, and candor.  And we’re dedicated to bringing Newark’s wonderful accomplishments, historical events, and game-changing people to the forefront of the world stage.  This is Newark.  And we will be respected.

So stay tuned.  Stay connected on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  And subscribe to the website!