Newark continues to lead the way in educational empowerment with the launch of the Guaranteed Education Program, a groundbreaking initiative providing 13 local youth with a fully funded, debt-free college education at Rutgers University-Newark. Mayor Ras J. Baraka joined Newark Works/Summer Youth Employment Program Director Tyreek Rolon, Office of Violence Prevention and Trauma Recovery Director Kyleesha Wingfield-Hill, and Rutgers-Newark Interim Chancellor Jeffrey Robinson to announce the launch of this program, which ensures full coverage for tuition, fees, and housing for all four years.

“Part of making progress toward a more union in our city, and our nation, requires changing the landscape of higher education. And that is what we celebrate today, with the introduction of these 13 students embarking on their Rutgers journey,” said Mayor Baraka. “I could not be more pleased for these young people or prouder of them, and I’m grateful for everyone who has helped pave this path for learning, growing, and carrying their light into the future.”

The inaugural cohort will receive comprehensive support, including “last dollar” financial aid to cover costs after federal, state, and institutional aid is applied. Each student will be paired with a mentor from the Chancellor’s Office and gain access to the Honors Living and Learning Community, allowing for peer interaction and leadership development.

As Newark continues to grow, this initiative is a key step in ensuring that young residents have access to higher education and the opportunity to shape their futures. Rutgers University-Newark will provide these students with the tools and resources needed to excel in the job market and beyond. Weekly meetings, bi-weekly mentor sessions, and annual convocations will help foster community, accountability, and personal growth.

“As we have many times, Rutgers-Newark is honored to collaborate with Mayor Baraka’s administration in creating new pathways leading Newark residents to higher education and supporting their educational journey,” said Interim Chancellor Robinson. “This program is an excellent example of how Rutgers-Newark in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office celebrates innovation and spotlights the talents of new first-year, first-generation college students.”

Newark is determined to foster educational attainment for all. This “last dollar” funding ensures that students, regardless of their financial background, can fully focus on their academic experience, prepare for competitive careers, and build a future of generational wealth.

“Mayor Baraka’s Guaranteed Education Program stands at the vanguard of an unending commitment to young people,” said Director Rolon. “This program focuses on connecting youth to quality education that will foster a sense of purpose, dignity, and triumph.”

photos courtesy of the City of Newark Press Office