Anyone who has traveled in or through downtown Newark knows that improvements can be made to enhance the transit passenger, driver, and pedestrian experience. The Newark Downtown Circulation Improvement Study evaluates the downtown street network and envisions improvements designed to keep Newark economically competitive while providing a safe and efficient transportation experience. The data-driven study identifies improved pedestrian, bicycle, vehicle, and transit opportunities that balance demand across all modes, improves transportation equity, and maximizes the use of available resources.

Join the Newark Regional Business Partnership for a discussion on the study and look beyond it to imagine the role of automation and virtual assistants, and examine advanced technologies that would allow for a more individualized customer experience. 

Speakers include: 

Louis Luglio, Vice President/Gen. Manager – Operations, Sam Schwartz Consulting; 

Laurie Matkowski, Director of Connected Automated Vehicles, Gannett Fleming; 

Eric Rensel, Vice President/National Advanced Mobility & Safety Planning Manager Gannett Fleming; 

Lazar Spasovic, Director, International Intermodal Transportation Center,NJIT ;

Kimberly Singleton, Manager – Division of Traffic & Signals, City of Newark

To register for this event, click HERE.