As winter brings cold temperatures and icy conditions, the risk of slip and fall accidents increases significantly, especially for individuals commuting or spending time outdoors. Dr. Gbolahan Okubadejo, a board-certified spine surgeon at The Institute for Comprehensive Spine Care, shares valuable insights on how these accidents can lead to serious injuries and offers advice on how to prevent them. From common injuries sustained during slips and falls to the best footwear choices and the latest treatment options for recovery, Dr. Okubadejo provides expert guidance on staying safe during icy conditions.

The following interview was conducted with Expert: Dr. Gbolahan Okubadejo (Dr. Bo), Board-Certified Spine Surgeon at The Institute for Comprehensive Spine Care.

What are the most common injuries you see resulting from slips and falls during icy weather, and how serious can they become? Slip and fall injuries are more commonly seen during icy wintry conditions than any other time of the year.  Patients can suffer a variety of orthopaedic injuries in addition to more serious head and neck injuries.  In the worst cases, patients may have head injuries that can lead to skull fractures and possibly brain bleeds which must be addressed emergently.  Fractures and herniated discs in the neck are possible as well.  The lumbar spine is at risk for herniated with the suddenness of the fall and impact.  Finally, long bone (femur, tibia) along with ankle or wrist/hand injuries may be seen as well.

    What are the key precautions individuals can take to reduce their risk of slipping and falling on black ice and other slick surfaces? The keys are to have appropriate footwear for the weather, and to take small careful steps to minimize the risk of injury.  Avoid these most risky areas if possible.

    Are there specific footwear recommendations or products you advise people to use during icy conditions to improve traction and stability? Shoes that are rubberized with good grip/traction are best in these conditions.  Most shoe/footwear stores have sections dedicated to this type of weather.

    How can older adults and those with pre-existing conditions, such as osteoporosis or arthritis, better protect themselves from injuries during winter weather? Older patients should try to avoid walking outdoors completely in these situations.  If they must go out, I’d suggest using the footwear protections discussed above and also use an assistive device like a cane or walker for further security.

    What should someone do immediately after experiencing a slip or fall to assess and address potential injuries? Assess where there may be pain and get the person to an urgent care center or emergency room as soon as possible.

    Are there particular habits or routines you recommend people follow during freezing temperatures to stay safe, especially when commuting or performing outdoor tasks? Bundle up, get the appropriate footwear and take slow. deliberate steps.

    From a medical perspective, what advancements in treatment or rehabilitation are available for those recovering from winter-related slip-and-fall injuries? The advances in treatment depend upon the specific body part being treated.  From a spine perspective, if a patient is being treated for a cervical disc herniation, disc replacement is a great option for larger herniations.  In the lumbar spine, a patient may have an endoscopic discectomy, microdiscectomy and minimally invasive lumbar fusion depending on the size and location of the herniation.