Throughout this summer season, Riverfront Park has shown an incredibly diverse array of lifestyle, cultural, and entertainment programming with a clear message – that the park belongs to the people.  Live dance performances, house music parties, film screenings, outdoor art exhibits and more have filled the park with people from both sides of Penn Station all summer long, all to the credit of Program Director, Marcy DePina.  

Today, the Riverfront Park is preparing for the season finale of Riverfront Culture Fest, the outdoor music, dance, and poetry series that has brought performers from a wide spectrum of genres and crowds from all over the city and beyond. Riverfront Culture Fest, hosted by Newark poet Starski, will close the season out with feature performances by singer and performance artist Kelly Thomas as well as the Randy Haze Trio.

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With an 81 degree, sunny and clear forecast, you couldn’t have picked a better day to close out the summer series.  The park will begin to fill up at 6pm with young professionals, artists, and families.  Attendees are advised to bring a blanket or lawn chair and take in the entertainment, fresh air, and watch the sun set over the Newark skyline.