Free Citizenship Classes are being offered at Rutgers Law School starting on Monday, June 24, through a partnership with the Rutgers Center for Immigration Law, Policy and Justice in partnership with the New York Historical Society.
The classes are designed for legal permanent residents to prepare for the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services naturalization exam.

The CILPJ at Rutgers University explores contemporary and historical immigration and citizenship laws to better understand the complex ways that law and society determine who belongs in the United States. Through interdisciplinary scholarship, legal, policy and advocacy-based initiatives and public engagement, the CILPJ explores and supports the adoption of equitable and more inclusive laws, regulations, policies, and practices for all people – citizens and non-citizens alike.

It is a six-week program held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Center for Law and Justice at 123 Washington St. in Newark starting on June 24 and ending July 31. The deadline to sign up is Friday, June 21.

Though the classes are free, participants must register. For more information or to register, please email: cilpj@law.rutgers.eduor call (973)353-3276. If you missed the deadline to register, please contact us because there may be room for additional students.