Last Wednesday, 343,000 people globally downloaded the Zoom app – 60,000 in the U.S. alone, according to mobile intelligence firm Apptopia — representing a 300% increase in downloads worldwide and 125% in the U.S. just two months ago. The company has now decided to remove the limit for users on the application’s free service for any K-12 schools affected in Japan, Italy and the United States. 

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread around the world, applying unprecedented pressure on major cities and small towns alike, leading to businesses being restricted by local governments, quarantines for residents, and school shut-downs, Zoom has responded in a tremendously favorable way to help keep schools running remotely and students learning.

Students or teachers who fill out an online form using their school email addresses, are then verified by Zoom, and will have any accounts associated with that school’s domain also gain unlimited temporary meeting minutes. The free Basic accounts are also available by request in Austria, Denmark, France, Ireland, Poland, Romania and South Korea.