Biederman Redevelopment Ventures, the NY-based consulting firm responsible for the redevelopment and management of Military Park will no longer have a role in the park’s management and operations.

First reported on by Jersey Digs, the company has officially “terminated its role with Military Park” on February 29, said BRV spokesperson John Goodman, adding that “it was time to turn it over to local interest.”

Although the firm has been responsible for park space redevelopment in San Francisco, Dallas, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, and Miami, among many other cities across the country, its most notable projects include Bryant Park and the new Hudson Yards redevelopment in Manhattan.

The Military Park project had, however, come under much scrutiny and criticism lately as it had begun to deteriorate due to lack of upkeep. Last year, Star-Ledger columnist and long-time Newark stakeholder Barry Carter reported that the budget for the park had been cut by $100,000.

Day-to-day operations have reportedly been turned over to the Military Park Partnership Board of Directors.