Summer is here and Newark Public Library has kicked off its “Imagine Your Story” 2020 Summer Reading Challenge, encouraging everyone in the family to read for 1,000 minutes between June 29 and August 17, which translates to just 20 minutes a day.

The program is designed to promote family literacy from birth to age 12, to teens ages 13 and up, and anyone over the age of 18. As New Jersey continues its gradual COVID-19 restrictions, the Library will offer the program virtually and curbside pickup will roll out in select branches. From July 6 – September 4, people 18 and younger can pick up free lunches at the Library’s seven branch locations. No registration is required, and meals will be given on a first come, first served basis. Visit to register for the Summer Reading Challenge and obtain specific information on curbside pick up hours for books and meals.

Side view of African American father with his children reading storybook on bed in bedroom at home

Once registered online, participants can read anything, anytime and anywhere they like, and can be read to or tune in to one of the Library’s Facebook storytimes. The storytimes will have a “secret” password embedded to verify attendance, and the minutes can be logged to their account. When readers register, and at every 100-minute increment, they will be awarded virtual “badges” and receive a certificate of participation at the completion of the program. Families with pre-school age children are encouraged to participate in the “1,000 books before Kindergarten” program, in which books are recorded on the site and badges are awarded for each 100 book increment.

Beginning July 6, Newark Public Library card holders will be able to borrow items at select branch locations after requesting or reserving them (maximum 10 items). 

